Monday, August 27, 2007

The premiere!:)

10.August started the Goose hunt. Me and a buddy stood up 05.00 in the morning and went out hunting:) When we came down to the lake w saw a couple of ducks but no gooses.

When we came to our post I suddenly spotted a lot of gooses out of shooting range. Then I found a way we could sneak up on the geeses so that we was on shotgun range.

We used probably half an hour before we were on range then we shot eac our goose:D

Here you can see our geeses as you can see they are very big, and you must hit them just right if theyre gonna die at once! The gun I used was my O/U sabatti shotgun with Tungsten matrix nr.hails, my bud used my single shotgun with Bismuth nr.3 hails. The rifle in the picture was never used.

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